Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Payment Processing
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
Mintt Payment Solutions is a high-risk payment processing company specializing in serving the cannabis industry and other high-risk sectors. Our organization aims to provide seamless, secure, and efficient payment solutions to businesses that face challenges in finding reliable payment processing services. Our primary target audience includes cannabis dispensaries, cultivators, manufacturers, and other businesses operating within the cannabis industry. Additionally, we cater to other high-risk sectors that require robust payment solutions to sustain and grow their businesses. With a strong focus on compliance, security, and innovation, Mintt Payment Solutions strives to empower commerce by bridging the gap between businesses and their customers, making transactions hassle-free and convenient.
Estilo visual
Colores a explorar

Otros requisitos relativos al color
In addition to our preference for mint green and neutral tones, we would like to provide the following color feedback for your consideration:
1. Complementary Colors: Please feel free to explore complementary colors to mint green, such as soft pinks or light coral shades, to create a visually appealing and balanced design.
2. Contrast: We suggest using a contrasting color like charcoal gray or deep navy blue for text elements or accents to make the logo stand out and improve readability.
3. Gradient Options: If you believe it would enhance the design, we are open to experimenting with gradients that blend two or more colors harmoniously.
4. Versatility: We request that the logo design works well in both color and monochrome (black and white) versions, ensuring versatility and functionality across different platforms and mediums.
While we have provided our color preferences, we encourage your creative input and expertise. If you have alternative color suggestions that would better suit the design and overall brand aesthetic, please feel free to present them.
Atributos de estilo
Diseño de inspiración
Otras notas
Dear Design Team,
We have decided to go with the name "Mintt Payment Solutions" for our new high-risk payment processing company, with a focus on the cannabis industry. We would like you to create a logo that reflects the unique identity of our brand while incorporating some key elements from our discussions.
1. Project Title: Mintt Payment Solutions Logo Design
2. Project Goal: To create a trendy and fashionable logo that appeals to a wide range of industries, including cannabis.
3. Project Deliverable: Logo design in various formats suitable for web, print, and promotional materials.
4. Project Deadline: May 1st
5. Project Budget: $1,500
6. Company Name: Mintt Payment Solutions
Here are some specific instructions and preferences for the logo design:
- The logo should emphasize the double meaning of "Mintt" – representing both freshness and a hint of financial connotation (like minting money).
- The design should be clean, modern, and professional, but also have a touch of creativity and playfulness to appeal to a wide range of industries.
- Avoid any direct cannabis-related imagery or elements, as we want to maintain a professional image that appeals to various high-risk industries.
- Experiment with different color schemes, but we suggest exploring shades of green as the primary color, as it is associated with currency. However, feel free to provide other color options that you think might complement the brand.
- For typography, we are looking for something fresh and different that would look good as a fashion or streetwear brand, as well as on our digital pages. It should be clear, legible, and work well with the overall design.
- You may include "Payment Solutions" as part of the logo, either below or beside the main "Mintt" text.
- In addition to the main logo design, we would like to see a mock-up using the logo in a web domain format, such as "", to use when advertising our website.
For reference designs, please look at popular fashion and streetwear brands, as well as logos from other payment processing companies. Our goal is to create a logo that feels trendy and fashionable while maintaining a professional image.
We appreciate your creativity and expertise in bringing the Mintt Payment Solutions brand to life. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.
Best regards,
Paul Apostolakis
Archivos finales del concurso
1 x Logotipo
Ganador del concurso
1 x Guía de la marca
Archivos finales
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El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.