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Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Loring Corners
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
No especificado
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
Loring Corners is a historically registered property located in the heart of Minneapolis accross the street from Loring Park.
We lease retail and office space to over 60 buisnesses, and have a lot of currently vacant space. We need to rebrand and expose this property to the market.
We are looking to revamp our logo so it looks clean and crisp from a marketing and leasing banner perspective. We like the original logo, however don't feel that it would like nice on a banner 50 feet in the sky on the top of the buildings. We want a similar logo that shows the uniqueness of the building, but in a cleaner and more crisp design.
I've attached our logo and the current designed leasing banner, along with the locations the banner will be, and a sample logo we like to use for inspiration (vandalia tower). Please reach out with any questions or feedback.
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