Información necesaria
Nombre de la empresa
Descripción general
We strive to develop telecommunications test equipment products in a market currently dominated by "old boys" and an aging business model. Our differentiators include:
- _High-performance_ whilst being _budget-conscious_ ( we aim for 90% of the features of a comparable competitor solution for 10% of the cost )
- _Easily procurable_ through web-site e-commerce (compared to competition with old school sales rep, email quotes, fax etc)
- _Easily operable_ through a web browser (compared to installed proprietary desktop software and/or integrated screen on the product itself)
Products: our products consist of Optical & Protocol level test equipment for the telecommunications market. Think of "optical" as in "optical fiber / very high-speed". Think of "protocol" as in "complex communication". Think of "testing" as in "making sure a product/network service should be checked for compliance" / "the product/service must perform as specified".
We are a dynamic & agile company building our company & products @ the speed of the Web: using cutting edge services (e.g. Google Apps, Google Docs, Google AppEngine, SmartSheet etc.)
FYI, some competitors: , , ,
We are a group of experienced professionals aiming to make a difference in the Test & Measure market through a bold business model.
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
A first customer target group for our products includes the "under-served" folks from our competition e.g. small network operators and subcontractors to those, small network equipment vendors and subcontractors to those.
A second customer target group for our products includes folks looking to "scale" their testing needs by complementing their existing solution with our equipment.
The target audience includes network & hardware engineers and engineering managers.
Detalles del contenido
1. Follows the "web2.0" spirit
2. No cartoons - we want a "web look" without risking being shunned by prospective customers
3. We like blue & green colors (but we are opened to creativity! let your imagination roam freely!)
4. Logo must be in 2 parts: an icon part ("text free") and the second part must be comprised of 'stylized' the company name (Data-Tester)
5. An ".svg" version must be made available - we are opened to other suggestions as long as the design can be scaled without degradation
6. The logo's background must be "transparent" (alpha transparency)
NOTE: the attached file "mptg.jpg" is a photograph of the first product (the "H" logo on the front is old - disregard it).
Archivos finales del concurso
Archivos finales
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.