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Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
No especificado
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
It's an online site that downloads & converts videos from platforms like X, Instagram or YouTube.
We want to recreate from scratch the brand image of our noTube business ( As the current logo is too close to YouTube, we want to break away from this image and propose a new logo with a new color code.
Our site is aimed at absolutely everyone: those who want to convert videos for their personal use, or professionals who do video editing, composition...
The logo will be placed in the same place on the site, so we need the logo followed by the text “noTube”. We'd like to keep the same font on the text, but we're open to suggestions.
We'll also let you choose the color: preferably another red, or any other color, and we'll adapt our site accordingly.
We also have a “dark” theme and a scroll bar. The logo must adapt to the 2 themes.
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.