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Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
Glynt specializes in the full lifecycle of your application needs. Whether building new applications, or breathing life into legacy ones, Glynt delivers full end-to-end software development along with the ability to provide on-going support, short and long-term resource augmentation, or flexible blocks of hours across an array of technical resources.
Target audience will be businesses - SMB to Large Enterprise.
Attached is a simple Brand Playbook to give you some guidelines around some of the branding we currently are aligning on. Strong earth-tones, crisp modern font. I'd like to keep the "g" lowercase in the logo (as in 'glynt'), but open to ideas.
Will require the logo to be able to be displayed on both light and dark backgrounds. If the design anchors on a specific color scheme, then I'd like to request deliverables for both "light-" and dark-based" applications. Open to any and all questions! Thanks.
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.