
Book cover "The Unforgiven"
'War of the worlds' book cover
"Fall to Earth"
Postcards from the Moon
book cover
book cover ''The Memory Trap''
Late Winter
Eyes of a POW
Nightfallers book cover
Poetry book
Memories revived in a robot's eyes
Uknown Island

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Master of Manipulation!!! 🙏

Drunken Move tool, Tiger Selection tool, Five Deadly Vectors, Dragon Burn tool, Chameleon Blending Modes and a long-forgotten skill "Hidden Layer". 🙏

I will use all my skills to make your book stand out. 🙏

🙏 🙏 🙏


Miembro desde: domingo, 09 de junio de 2013
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"The initial designs I received were subpar, based on the designers portfolio. The images looked pasted with little blending efforts. Throughout the process the designer struggled to follow directions and submitted completely new concepts after requested..."
Foto del perfilAuthorSource Media reseñado hace 3 meses
"Incredible Artist. Super patient. Talented beyond words "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 6 meses
"The fourth project I've worked on with _BOB_. This artist nails it for sure. Excellent work!"
Foto del perfilrecipemetrl reseñado hace 7 meses
"I loved Bob's simple bold design. It forcefully conveys the drama of the novel. I think it has a timeless quality and will appeal to readers across several genres. I hope to work with Bob again in the future."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 11 meses
"I've found Bob a creative, flexible and patient Designer, willing to work with me on numerous tweaks and revisions to the core concept (which was agreed upon relatively quickly) to land the finer details and then adapt it for the e-book, print, promotio..."
Foto del perfilmctagiB reseñado hace cerca de 1 año