
Flat Minimalistic Design
Portrait Digital Painting
Semi Realism Illustration
Simple Professional Logo
3style Illustration
Detailed vectore illustration
Semi Realism Illustration
Water Color style Illustration
Minimalist Illustration
Chalk Illustration from a Logo.
T-shirt design of a samurai for Piranha Gear
Design a happy and cute mascot for KENZEL bicycles

Acerca de

I am versatile artist. I love to do illustrations whether it's digital or traditional.
If you are interested with my service, I prefer working with you via 1 on 1 project, I can give you a good price with top quality results.
Check out my website here: https://jcvisions.mystrikingly.com

Miembro desde: lunes, 02 de septiembre de 2013
Nivel intermedio




"she's the star with loads of amazing design. "
Foto del perfilfionahuyang reseñado hace casi 6 años
"Awesome illustration. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 6 años